Saturday, February 27, 2016


Morning filled with memories of a night of dreams.
Is it hard to get up? - a little.
My feathered friends already tweet outside my windows.
Every morning it gets brighter and brighter. Good to remember and appreciate.
Coffee is in demand this morning, every morning. Aahh.
I enjoy the stillness of the morning
Before the face of God.
The bible on the screen of my iPhone
and His name on my lips.

1 comment:

E Adams Wright said...

I am a morning person and appreciate those moments you speak of in the following lines:
"I enjoy the stillness of the morning
Before the face of God.
The bible on the screen of my iPhone
and His name on my lips."

Those moments are such a blessing (even when coffee is needed :-0 )and these moments set the course of the day. Thanks for your post. Visiting from FMF.

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