Friday, April 17, 2015


I have just discovered "Five Minute Friday" which is a blog link-up in which you participate by writing for five minutes each Friday on the prompt of the week . Now I do feel a bit intimidated because I only see women on display there. But nowhere I see it expressed as a women-only community. So I take the plunge and try to write for five minutes on the one word prompt of the week: "Tomorrow". If I am in the wrong, somebody please tell me, and I will start a blog link-up for men!

Tomorrow has always been a magical word for me. Tomorrow I will do the things that really needed to be done today. Tomorrow has been misused and abused. A prompt for procrastination.

Within the last few years I have learned that it is typical for people like me who suffer from depression or bipolar to be procrastinating. It is soothing to know that I am not alone in that respect. It is not the ultimate sin. But neither is it a legal excuse nor should it be taken lightly "Oh, I suffer from depression so I procrastinate and I can't help it. I can live with it - so you, who are suffering at the expense of my procrastination - you just have to live with it as well". I have to make a way out of tomorrow and stay in today with all its feelings of being in a no comfort zone for action. Beginning today! Today I will do one thing to make me stay on track for today's tasks.

Recently I have bought some watches, pilotes watches, which were produced as collector's items. They were claimed to be quality watches, so I decided to buy them. What a big disappointment when I found out that they were not at all quality. I have decided to give in a complaint on the web site of the company where I bought the watches. Up until now I have postponed it to tomorrow for several days. This I have to do today!

Then yesterday I told my colleague about the watches. He told me he had a watch in his car which I could borrow. When he came back with it he said that I could keep it.

I was stunned and very thankful. God knew my situation and provided the perfect solution to it. The watch is a beautiful blue face Casio Oceanus. It is water resistant and it automatically synchronizes with the Japanese, the American or the European time signal. In short - it is a quality watch. It has the ability to keep me focused on today. The right time is today, not tomorrow. In a worn out phrase: Carpe Diem. I have the responsibility to not postpone to tomorrow what I can do today. So help me God and use my Casio Oceanus to stay on track.

P.S. As a sidenote I right now stumbled upon this blog post which has this graphic imbedded. Amazing!

Oh - and I have to admit I used far more than five minutes. English is not my first language, and this is my first attempt so what do I have to sacrifice to stay within the five minutes - meaning or clarity of thought and language? I decided to not sacrificing anything.


Abbey @ Surviving Our Blessings said...

Hello, and a warm welcome to you. I'm your neighbor today at Five-Minute Friday. And yes, we are mostly women, but not exclusively - and we are so glad to have you among us today. Thanks for sharing your words and thoughts with us. I'm glad you decided not to wait until tomorrow. I hope you'll join us again!

romanescu sinziana said...

Hello there! Stopping by from Five Minute Friday. I enjoied reading your post, verry well written.
Have a great week-end!

heather nelson @ said...

Welcome to Five Minute Friday! Glad to have you join us. And more men *should* post. Thanks for being brave. Good thoughts here, as a fellow recovering-procrastinator.

The Howell Blessings said...

Hello and welcome. Sorry, you feel outnumbered, we'd love to see more from men! I am so glad you decided to join us and hope you stop back by often!

I shared your blog with my daughter who happens to be married to someone who has the same issues as yourself. I am hoping that both she and he can take something away from it. Thank you for sharing.

The Howell Blessings

Self Help Podcast with Miriam and Max

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