Sunday, September 12, 2010

God's Kingdom

Do you know that God is operating both behind the lines and on the front line? Today in my local church I really experienced both these truths.

The pastor was preaching an excellent message from the Lords Prayer: "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven".

According to him there is three dimensions to God's Kingdom:
  1. The horizontal: Citizenship "For our citizenship is in heaven", Phil 3:20, 
  2. The vertical: Power (God's power) “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit”, says the Lord (Zech.4:6). 
  3. Doing God's will on this earth, where we live "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven". Math.7:21.
It is truly on God's agenda that we realize that the Kingdom of God is not in the church on Sundays alone or through the pastor or in the small group in which we come together. The Kingdom of God is here and there and all around where Christians are living.

So in line with this message it was very appropriate that we had a church café after service where the Mayor of Kolding was speaking and answering questions.
Many people had questions pointing in the direction of How can we as a church be a church for the whole city? Many people want to let the church be more than a club for saved Christians. We want to show the world that there is a message that is full of love and power to heal the broken hearted, to cleanse the leper, to comfort the lonely, to make bonding easier between strangers, to bring joy and feasting into a life full of tragedy and depression.
So the pastor ended up with a conclusion that encouraged us to open our eyes and see where needs are in our city:

  • The city has had to cut down on expenses to clean the parks - why not grab a bag and some tools and go out on a Saturday to clean up in the park. 
  • The older citizens grieve over the loss of many of their friends, they end up sitting lonely in their homes. Go to the Red Cross and offer yourself as a friend to them or to a family low on resources who needs a helping hand with the kids.
  • Young people in the blocks are bored and resort to destructive behavior with graffiti, drinking, crime etc. - why don't you offer your help to be a good role model in their neighborhood? 
  • Unemployed people get depressed and discouraged. Why don't you go out and offer to give them a hand with the CV or other elements in the search for a job - or just be a friend?
So many possibilities to be a History maker where you live. To be influential, to bring the good news "in person" - because the Holy Spirit lives in you.

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