Friday, June 11, 2021

Is it legal for a Christian divorcee to remarry?

Sadly (too) many Christians today are getting divorced. In no way I want to point fingers at these unfortunate couples. I am part of the divorce history myself! Many Christians are finding happiness in a new marriage. That is good, for the Lord says "It is not good that man should be alone", and he made Eve as a wife to Adam. Anyway it is disputed if a Christian is allowed to divorce, and if a Christian is allowed to marry a divorcee.If you read the scriptures as they are translated, you may easily come to the conclusion that it is a sin to get a divorce, it is a sin for at divorcee to remarry, and it is a sin to marry a divorcee. But is this what the scriptures really mean? If you read the Hebrew and Greek texts and examine the meaning of the central words around divorce you may conclude that what seems simple  is maybe not so simple after all. Most of us do not know Hebrew or Greek, so it is good that a scolar with insight into these biblical languages can lecture on the whole subject. This video sheds some new light into the subject of divorce, remarriage and putting away. 

You may think that this one video does not tell the whole story. In that event please watch the next video as well. Here you'll get the same understanding of the verses concerning divorce and remarriage, and more. In addition I think this video is filled with wisdom and love from God. 

Self Help Podcast with Miriam and Max

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