Wednesday, July 15, 2015


"I hope for rain tomorrow; my lawn is yellow from draught". But I am not certain it is going to rain. The worldly hope has its root in sin, we hope for a better world in the near or distant future. But because sin reigns we cannot be certain.
When Paul writes about faith, hope and love in 1Corinthians 13:13 it is the hope God gives. God cannot lie, so if He gives hope, it is a sure thing. Hope is fulfilled, God is to be praised!
The Christian hope is anchored in God's love and in faith in God. We may not doubt God, but hold fast in the hope He gives. All that the Lord does has it basis in love, His love which never fails. Love is the greatest, says Paul. For God is love.
Without love no faith and no hope. We would be lost and forever doomed to live in our sinful self, pityful and detestable. Hope gives future a meaning, as does faith in God and His love. It gives me such comfort, a warm feeling, something to stay alive for and something to die for. I am grateful that I am so much loved although I never deserved to be. Hope is the result of God's decision for us!

Self Help Podcast with Miriam and Max

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